The beginning or the end?
August test is finally over,phew :)
It was pretty okay except for the science subjects.It was really hard and confusing.
I got back my Add Maths results,which is pretty quick since I just sat for the exam yesterday hahaha.
Teacher said i did ok.Hmm
Mel,congrats for getting 98 : ) you smarty ~~~~
My pimples currently had increased due to the tension and exams.Urgggh,go away pimples go away~~~~~~
There's nothing much to write about.
Oh yeah,on Monday morning.
Abi,Mun Yee,Yen Peng,Ms Jessica and I sat together and read a verse from the bible.If im not mistaken it was James .Something about if you ask God for wisdon,he'll give it to you generously.
After reading it,Abi and teacher prayed for all of us.I felt touched,in a way I feel spiritual once more because I've been neglating God due to exams.
Well,I cant wait for Stock Challenge HOHOHOHOH : )
but we have to like find other member from other schools for the challenge (Y.E)
and currently I have no idea who to parter with.
For one thing i know is Kim will definitely want *ahem* to be in her group,right Kim ?
I miss holidays.The one week break I had last 2 weeks was awebones (awesome+boring).
I had the chance to wake Shaun up and send him down to school.I've always wanted to do that for him as a sister.Like providing his breakfast,his wter tumbler,his school socks and uniform.
It bring us much more closer than before.
iLove you Shaunie.
photo of the day :

I miss them :[
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