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Sunday, May 12

A page of my weekend's purchases. (Pun intended)

Weekend purchases:

1. Colorful wrapping papers + Black art paper (middle) [MPH]
Bought these cause I'm out of wrapping paper!

2. Baby Blue hand bag (Bought at RM30+) [BONITA]

The original price for the BONITA's hand bag! Definitely worth a purchase!

The back view of the grey top. I call it 'the sexxhhyy back'
3. Feathery grey sleeveless top, RM 29.90 [KITSCHEN]
4. The second sequel to HUSH,HUSH; Crescendo. [MPH]
I could not contain my excitement when I saw this. Eager to read on what's next!

Happy mothers day, mum! ILY!

Friday, May 10

2013 Highlights! Part one

Just a small preview of my highlights this year, so far.

What can I say? The previous semester (which is Spring) got me struggling. Toughest one yet! However, being surrounded by friends, laughter and even the slightest thing of happiness takes away my negative thoughts.
So, I shall let the pictures to the summarization : )

LTC 2013

Meet my sugar honey, AJ <3
 AJ plays my mistress in our group sketch for Talent Night. Guess what? Our group got 1st place : )

 We went as a club: EVO Club :D

 Presenting you from the left: Sue, Kwan Wei, Fabian, Andy, Vinesh and I

 I stayed in a suite in the Selesa Hillhomes, Bentong. MAN, the room was huge! The unit is double-story. I love every part of it (yes, including the toilet).
 and so, camwhoring!

Vinesh and Andy

Definitely, this year's LTC was one of the best so far. Compared to last year.
I had so much fun and omgosh, I got to laugh really hard and I really needed it despite the struggles faced during the previous semester.
From the fun in the bus, the late night talks, the Heart-Attack card games and etc- good memories :D
I had the best laughter in ages during the Talent Night.
Vinesh and I cross-dressed and so he had boobies made out of two crumpled newspaper while I was dressed up with a ribbon tie.
Vinesh did such a great job in bringing the laughter to the audience and I practically had to call him Sugar Honey with the deep voice I have.
I couldn't even act out some parts properly without showing a slight giggle. Even the judges were impressed with our group's sketch and hence, the 1st place : )
Well, the SC organized this camp really well so my applause goes to every single one of them. I really enjoyed the camp!

Car prank

Max's face when he saw it!

Okay, so one day Emelia and I were on our way to have lunch with the CF mates, we saw Max's car in the car park. Emelia with her brilliant idea, decided to give him a small prank which is to stick lots of post-its on his car with random remarks/doodles,

While she and I were busy writing silly things on the post-its and sticking it on his windshield, a bunch of working adults came and saw what happened. Hahaha they were curious and came up close to see what we wrote and then one of the guys saw a teddy bear at the corner of the dashboard and stated in Cantonese 
" Oh this must've been a girl's car. Look at the teddy bear!"
Emelia and I laughed while sticking the rest of the post-its on his window.

After that, she called Max 

E: Max! Where are you now? Okay, eh your car kena clamped la. No, I'm at the car park and I saw your car. Come now, hurry! Yeah serious. I don't know but it's clamped.

After Max hung up which I assumed he totally believed Emelia hahaha and so we both managed to hide behind a wall as we see him coming.
His face was angry at first but when he saw it, his face was like 'weeert?! -.-'
HAHAHAHAHA emelia and I were giggling behind the walls. 
Oh well, successful prank it is! :D

Performance for 'LOSE CONTROL'

Me and my nerdy braces hehehhe

Watch part of the performance here! It's a short dance choreo. Thanks again to Joshua for helping me to record this.
There are other recording with a different angle but it isn't with me :/
I'm so happy to be able to perform once again in college for an event!
The joy of performance! : )

Saturday, May 4


Is it wrong to feel insecure? About yourself, your past and your present.
Even though you know you are God's masterpiece.
There were many times I acknowledged and understood I am God's masterpiece. Daddykin's creation. Beautiful creation.

However, because of experience-the bad and good. It made me doubt myself. Then, I started letting people define me. 
Gradually, I don't see myself as Daddykin's masterpiece. It was hard for me to understand the beauty of my creation. 
Yeah sure, I understand my purpose in life but I did not get why did He created me this way.
Often times, I felt I am never good enough for people. 
Being compared to when I am young, being called stupid by my step-dad.
I questioned "Why create me like this? So many flaws"

These all added up and so I have these barrier around me called 'insecure'.
The reason why I let this barrier surround me is because I am afraid. Afraid to experience it again, afraid to live that moment once again and afraid to face it alone.
I feel ashamed and insecure about so many things.

My family. Me. My looks. My past. Almost everything about me.

When I read

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.", I was wow-ed by the verse. Yet, I cannot grasp the full understanding on how can I be His masterpiece.

I know many times, people say, it doesn't matter on how other people looks at you. It's how God looks at your heart. But why is that do I find myself struggling to understand and accept it?

I guess, I don't know how to love myself. I'm always on the edge, thinking if I can't please others, how can I please Daddykins?
This is and still is my struggle i'm facing with myself. A battle within me.
I don't know the right way to love myself and accept my insecurities. 
Maybe God is using someone to help me understand this. Or maybe i'm going to go through a situation and when it's time, it'll hit me. By then, I'm able to fully understand what does it meant by being God's masterpiece. Fearfully and wonderfully made.

"Heal my heart and make it clean

Open up my eyes to the things unseen

Show me how to love like You have loved me"