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Wednesday, December 22

the jingles

My Christmas tree is already set up beautifully and neatly,getting ready for the Christmas spirit.Yeap, Christmas is around the corner and its on the Saturday to be exact .
I will be doing my special meal - bowl of mash potatoes or maybe salad for Christmas : )

The weather these days are really cold and nice,thanks to the rainy days.
and all I do is sit at the couch with a cup of hot mushroom soup or sometimes a hot cup of sweet Milo,and not forgetting Joudi Picoult's Change of Heart book.
Amazingly,her books never fail to amuse me.

I wanna join Youth Camp next year hopefully.I want to get myself more involved in Church activities. It's too long to be away from God.

Ohh oohh : ) i've painted my nails transparent ahahaha.I know its really simple but i dont have any good other nail polish colours to go with this season.
It's easier to remove it anyways.
I've said nuff,now its picture time ~

the naked Christmas tree *sceams*

lighted staircase

pretty Christmas tree hehehee

Milky is in the Christmas mood too

colorful balls

Woffy Woffy~

Wednesday, December 15

Ya ya ya

Google Sketchup is really hard and complicated to use.Erghhh !
I've tried watching those tutorial videos they posted
 but there were so many of them : (
I still have not play my SIMS yet.

Yes yes,hahaha i play SIMS everyday : )

Li Lian's flying off to Australia this Friday :( 
i'm going to miss her defintely,but oh wells she deserves a long good break since she really studied hard for SPM.

I'm done watching Scott Pilgrim vs the World ! :D:D
it was wicked awesome dude,hahah and its very hilarious.
I'm a total sucker for comedy-kick-ass movies.

Should I paint my toe nails ?
I could not decide on the colours *thinks about Christmas*

Let me seeya LaLaLaLa Love me hey Ya Ya Ya Ya
Shubidub Su Supa Nova

Tuesday, December 14

I smell freedom ahaha


SPM is finally over and done with .
No more burning midnight oil studying those thick reference books ,no more getting stressed up and no more showing my ugly IC on the table hehee.

Now,i'm just going to pray hard about my results.Hmmm : )

On the last day (8th Dec) went over to Li Lian's house for a girl's night.Yeap,a sleepover that is hahaa.After that we went to sing our lungs out at Redbox @ the Curve.
Hahaha there is a waiter that served us drinks,which is totally funny and goofy . He was so funny and making jokes with us then BAMM , he spilled our drinks and the glass broke :S

At night,Ai Peng drove me and Li Lian to Pavilion to go buy doughnuts and see the night lights : )
It was my first time going to Pavilion. Yes it was since I always stay at home all the time :D
The place is huge and the Christmas deco was awesome hahaha.It definitely felt like Christmas on that day.
Yeah,but if only my best friend could enjoy it with me.
Sorry to say,but it hurts to see you getting hurt by others. 

Li Lian just bought a new 3D TV of 40 inch. HOOOOOOOT !! We watched movie that night.
Then the next morning we went to Old Town White Coffee for breakfast.
And guess what hahahaa,we saw Ong Ka Ting : ) : )

Since the accounts students were taking their exam on that day, we took Edmund for lunch at KFC before his paper 2 starts : ) haahaha
I'm feeling hungry already *thinks bout KFC*

Sigh,I had to go back early due to certain circumstances ,thus Thank You so much Ai Peng for dropping me home : )
I <3 you girl hehee

Where is everyone anyways ? Am I the only one not going anywhere this holidays ?

returning our Form 5's textbooks : )

at Ai Peng's 

they were painting their toe nails

while,i was taking pictures hahaa

she was texting the entire sleepover : (
where's our girls -fun-time-out ?

they were both so sleepy,aigoo

hahaha ai peng was EPIC,FAIL !

this was taken on Sunday evening at Times Square

was working at the theme park : )


its a pity i cant enjoy those rides : (

how unfortunate I am,my house blacked out the whole night
yeah,i could not even sleep