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Tuesday, August 16


My 2 weeks of semester break is offically over. I'll just post up some pictures to conclude what I did during my break :D

First off was Shiwen's birthday :) , we celebrated it in Sunway Hotel Atria buffet .
I ate so much that I felt like throwing up after that. The food there was tooooo delicious

Two candles only hahaa. there wasn't enough unfortunately 

Shiwen and his besties :D 

Shaun in TS lift :) on our way to the Cosmo theme park (Y) oh yeahhh!

My hand wax : ) hehe

Oh, and I bought my all-time favorite author's book.
Read it while I was having my sem break

Milky injured his leg and he had to wear that [astro-dish] thingie to prevent him from licking  the gel we applied onto his wound :/
It was so pitiful to see him in this condition. He could not do much and my heart totally sunk everytime I see Milky like this.

Taken in Jacq's church :D
Feels good to be in church

Oh and this is the Fried Rice + Steamed Chicken I cooked for dinner (Y)

Tired lil brother who just came back after school.

Mum tapao-ed chicken wing a few days ago for supper. YUMMY!!
So yeah, that's basically it. 
Not much fun during my 14 days of holiday, but at least I did something hehe.


Bonus pictures :D

Akmal,I and Jack jack on the way to eat Snowflakes (Y)

Sue and Aj <3

we cool.

AJ and her black pearl hehehehhe (Y)(Y)

Sue and Simon's Milky

Monday, August 15


First things first. Second semester is starting this coming Tuesday,aha.aha.
I cannooooooooooooot wait to go for classes.WHOOTS <3  Somehow I miss college and my peeps and the environment too.
dance dance dance dance !


Something's been troubling me lately. Actually for the past 3 years,to be honest.
Its about my step Dad, who I lived with together with my brother and mum since I was two years old. Being brought by him and my Mom for 13 years left an incredibly impact for me.
I've always thought I had a perfect family all these while when I was in Form 2 : )

Oh boy I was ever wrong. My life just went crumbling down and it felt like someone took a needle and poked my heart. Dad left when I was 15 years old and ever since, we live separately.
It definitely had a domino effect or somehow an impact onto my life. Not just me, but my mum,my step lil brother and my brother.

During those years without him brought a load of hardships and tears including sweat. All the burden we had to carry was just too great for me to handle. It affected every part of me.

Lets not go into too detail. After a few years, which is now hahaa. I had a friend's request from Pa. All the emotions I held for so long all these while struck me, making me even confused. I was so indecisive, thinking whether should I accept it or not.
I mean, its just a friend's request right? But somehow deep down in my heart, the whole life of my hardships flashedback into my mind.

A few days later, i decided to accepted it. I told myself that he's still my father that brought me up when my birth father left me when I was two.

Not long ago today, Pa and I chatted through FB. It was definitely awkward at first but I actually miss him a load. So much that no one would actually understand. And he told me this about my lil brother

" you take care of him well ok....i owe a lot to you girl
please promise me you take care of shaun well ok "

I felt a surge of rage and mixed emotions inside of me. Left me thinking " If you owe me a load, then why did you have to leave us.Why. "

But as we chatted for some time, I finally calmed down. It felt so comfortable talking with my Dad and finally he said this before he went offline

" good nite girl!! im off to bed now...Pa got early class tomorrow....luv u!! "

Its been years since I hear him say that to me. I can still remember every night before I go to sleep when I was young, he'll say that to me. Made me felt so secure and made me feel like I was the luckiest daughter to have him.

I'm not saying I dont enjoy my life right now. Things were starting to get better when he left. Is just that, I've always asked myself whether I could be more happier than before if and only if he did not leave us.
Be it good or bad, I'm satisfied with my life as it is right now.
Thankful for it and i'll appreciate it more than anything else.
Finally, those three words " ILY", it brings a load of meaning to it. So much it can actually heal a person's soul, literally : )

Tuesday, August 9

너의 쇼는 이제 끝난거야, baby goodbye

Its been a few months since I've blogged.
I had my first semester as an Adp student in college : )
and sat for my final exam for it. Which means Im on a sem break right now.Hooray!
Hehee, there's so many things I need to go and get but somehow everytime I want to,a problem comes up.
Anyways, my korean friends had flew back to Korea.
I am so going to miss them like crap. During their one month program in college,I got to know them and hang out with them at the same time too. I had a wonderful experience with them in terms of sharing about each other's country culture,food,religions and music of course.
And being a Kpop kaki myself , I finally had one thing on common with them ; )

Ohhh and and, me and Shaun went to The Cosmo Theme Park last week for a ride hehehe. It was wickedly awesome ohmygod.
The sad thing was I sat most of the rides alone.All by myself. If only Shiwen geta to play the ride with me It would not be that boring and lonely.
I played the roller coster twice hahaha.I could not get enough of it,seriously. ♥
I have been working out and exercising this few days,besides rotting and stonning at home due to boredom.
I just need to get fit and tonned up hahahaa

Ohh right, I got a new phone right now. Nothing cool about it though.
What happened to my old phone?
Ahh, its a long story.A funny and a ... story hahaa.

Yeap yeap,so because of that long story,I was phoneless for more than two weeks.I felt so proud that i was able to survive wthout being so attached to my phone like I always do hehe.
But i did borrow my friends phone iust for emergency : )

Its like 4.47am right now and Im blogging through my phone.Imsonia striked again and Im pretty sick of it.Im tired of feeling not sleepy at night and Im tired of not being able to sleep when I want to. So what should I do?

Maybe I should just force myself to sleep.A little toss and turn here would do the trick right? I guess so.

여러분들, 잘자~ ♡