B e i n g l a z y i s a s i n
Had lunch at Holiday Villa for the 2nd time for Buffet : )
i ate as much as i could till I bloated my stomach and I could not stand up after that.
The food was pretty okay hahaha,i ate macaroni pasta,rice with broccoli,curry chicken,cendol,ice-cream,salad with mayonnaise and pastries .
I finally did my moral kk with the 10 key words but i wrote about my group members instead of myself..asih now i have to re-write it.
Hoping i could just rewind back the time : (
I was watching channel 731 i think which is the CSI channel where they show the 7 deadly sins.And one of them was 'sloth'.
At first i taught sloth was slaughter and my brother laughed at me because im such a fool.Then only i realise its the same name as sloth the slowest animal on Earth hahaha.
In other words ''lazy''
I was shocked to hear that lazy is one of the deadly sins okay,hahaha even my brother does not believe it.
Will be going to the Gym again tomorrow with brother.Who's with me ? hahahaaaa
photo of the day :

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