Sports Day
which was extremely hot , really make me thirsty till i drank for than 3 bottles of mineral water and 2 can of isotonic drink.
The stadium was hugee , of course la right.Then after that me and Kheshini went around promoting and selling the fan-supoorter hand at the same time.
It sold out in a few hours ? Wohooo good job fellows =]
Then it was time for duty so i dutied at the upper floor there and the Sun really hates me because the sunlight was shinning on me as if it followed me where ever I go ..
I walk the other side also so burning hot.. and there was no shade nearby.
after the events , it was price-ceremony time and it was past 1pm and alot of the students left because it was written in the paper that sports day finishes at 1pm.
I left at 1 something cause Ms.Tan was waiting already.
The house winners are blue house of course.. and im really proud of rumah Kuning , tough they din't win.. they really did an excellent job.They even won for the senamrobik category and marching. Rawr XD
Rumah Merah's senamrobik
Amal , Abi and Dani
Oh yeah , i had a nosebleed today starting from 2pm onward till 4something.. it just won't stop coming.. sheesh
so much for having anemia
and i could not really oriented the probates because of my condition.. so I could only oriented some and i have to place the paper above my head level to sign XD
Also , today in school , me , Trishi , Ai Peng , Mae , Trisher and the others get to watch a Snail eat..
It was freaking awesome ok , and kinda eeuwy too ..
it doesn't have any teeth and omgeee , i could stand there for 5 years and the snail will still be eating the dead leave.
I felt like taking my camera and record it. It's a one in a life time experience to see a snail come out from its shell and eat.
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