finally i have the whole computer to myself for 4 days xD
brother is at his friends house , so yeah .. FREEDOM . not exactly
Last Friday was gotong royong , i brought my camera to take pictures for the Moral Kerja Amal .. which i haven't finish it yet , no correction.I have not even started a single word on that A4 paper .
Gotong royong was boring , Cik Shakirah was not there and i kinda feel left out , there's no one to hang with . Hyo Li's in her class taking picture with her friends , Mun Yee went MIA XD , Ai Peng .. " dude where you go la?~~ "
so i just sat on my table watching these lunatic people ( megan , nat , trisher , yazmin & lydia) singing loudly xD
Oh , Mr Cheah has Facebook ... XD
i din't know until he added Ai Peng , and then she told me . I went home to check my inbox , and there was the friends request from Mr Cheah ahaha..
And his name was Jack Cheah and his a fan of MU , right teacher ?
& it's APRIL's FOOL DAY ~~
i can't believe i managed to fool many people =D
first was Sharmila
" Sharm , you know David Archuleta is coming this Friday ? To our school.. "
[her smile grew wider and her eyes too] " Really ? this Friday.. for what ? "
[cant believe she fall for that xD ] " Don't know sing or maybe come visit our school .. maybe
our school won for the contest thingie "
" OMG.. i have to tell Kheshini laa.. "[over excited already]
then she went to see her , but she told her it was just a joke xD
Then it was Amy
she was sitting on the chair in the canteen waiting for her transport while eating mash potato ..
i came up to her and said
" Amy , your mum is here .. " [pointing towards the gate direction ]
[she quickly turned her head to see] " huh , WHERE ?"
" hahha no la , April Fool ~~ ! "
Then the next victim was Sharmila ( i tell you ar , she gets fooled easily by people )
She was having her St.John meeting and it was about to end ..
I went to her class and i called her [while tapping my watch ]
" dude , your mum is here already "
[she looks happy and got up from the sit and ask permission from Divya if she could go back]
she came out from the class...
" come hurry , your mum ask me to call you.. "
" oh .. ok "
then halfway we were' walking , i pulled her back to the class and told her it was just a joke XD
we both started laughing because her expression was she taught that her mother really came to pick her up early
Next was Mel ..
She was also at the St.John meeting .. then i called her and said
" Mel , your grandmother is outside waiting for you already.. " [puts on that serious look]
" really ? she usually comes late to pick me up "
" but she's early today .. "
[she rush to take her things and was about to walk towards the gate entrance .. xD ]
then Yuet Ting was saying
" Mel , Peige was just jo.. "
[ she stopped and stared at me ] " its April Fools day ?! .. "
hahah , she realised that she just got fooled .
I tried fooling some of my friends too but it wasn't that interesting as the one's i posted XD
Today was Miller's birthday 090401

GIRL , HAPPY sweet SIXTEEN ~~~~~~~~
Last Monday , i saw Cheryl in my tuition . i was so shocked that she recognized me , cause i was not that close with her in Form 1 ..
She looks so mature now and pretty , what a lucky girl =)
This 4th April will be Eunhyuk's birthday .. oh man . If only i could go and celebrate it with the ELF's.
Mom , i wanna go KOREA ~~
bring me thereeee ~~~
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