and of course to any other race who celebrates Deepavali too
im so tired today
I went to visit my mummy's friends house for open house.
the curry
spicy too hehehe
i was the only one eating using my hand
so awkward
but the uncle praised me for knowing the method
I still remembered the times when i live with my Indian baby-sitter during std 6...
she taught me how to use hand when eating
goshh i love her murukku and her sambal ikan bilis
i miss you auntie !!
tomorrow no school
this Thursday will be DeepaRaya
and im still looking for the right top to wear
i need a S.O.S shopping
I've sent greetings to some of my friends through sms
well some dint reply
i hope their not in India
or else my credit ... O.O
helped eomma do baking
my hand was sticky and it smells like butter
oooh cant wait for the oven to go ' ting '
i can feel that my one of my PMR subject paper is being marked right now
oh God please grant me flying colours for PMR.. im going to bed so tired have a great day everyone !
한번 만나봐 알아봐 잘해봐 !
Monday, October 20
I'll eat you up
Coolness :)
Friday, October 17
This is hotnessss !
han Kyung - awesome Shin Dong - cute !! Donghae - hotnessss !!!!!!!!!!! Eunhyuk - The 'Dance Machine'
Freedom is what I want most .
17th October . PMR has ended . YAY. Geo paper . HARD . :]
1st day of PMR . I gripped my school bag tightly . Im feeling the anxiousness and nervousness . i got my IC and slip kebenaran masuk ready . I let out a sigh . the hall was open . I ask myself "are you ready" i walked into the hall , looking for my seat. I sat down and took out my stationery . I started praying to the Lord . As the paper was about to start .. i said another quick prayer , again . As the clock started to tick ... my nervousness went away , instead i was busy focusing on the question . 1st day done .
That is how i felt on Monday ... you have no idea how many times i call upon the Lord .. hahahaaha when every paper finishes , all the girls we start asking like " how was it ?'' "what did you put for that answer" "oh serious ar , shoot lar , put wrong answer"
Sigh.. well i was one of them. :P Basically PMR is not easy but tough and challenging at the same time Someone told me PMR was easy...easier than Trials . I need to know who so that i can smack that fellow's forehead .
Oh and after i come back after the exam.. I was like watching DBSK videos and live performance hahaha I know . i know . I am suppose to study for the next subject . But i have plenty of time for that cause since some papers finish early .
Oh and the funny thing was for BM paper . Many people was confident that Plot or Teknik plot is gonna come out for Bahagian D (Novel). Even some of our teacher said so.. but guess what .. the first thing i receive my BM paper 2.. i turned to the back part and saw that the question asking for Latar and i was like " omggggeee" but luckily i studied for latar.. but i wasn't sure of my answers cause i was studying plot which is said to ''come out this year'' I shall never believe anyone anymore la
And yes today , the PMR students are sitting for Geography . Last paper . As i handed my answer sheet to the Pengawas , i smiled . It was over ... well partially la because later got ''Results fever'' to go.. then the pengawas was giving a speech that we were good students and there wasn't any case like copying or anything . Hahaha Everyone was so happy... And our school is having like a daily trip to places hahha sounds like a school tour or something Awesome awesome
Since PMR is over , i want to go back to join my cell members . Its been so long already .. Gosh i miss them.. and the praise and worship there :)
Honestly , i've grew nearer to God each day :) but sometimes i fell like i have avoided God .. makes me feel bad.
3 days before PMR , it was Shaun's Birthday Hahaha..
We went out and i took like alot of pictures in my camera but lazy la wanna post it now :) haha Hm... what to do now ar since PMR finish already House chores ? House cleaning ? PMR books cleaning ? Camwhore ?
I want to buy DBSK albummmm !!! Arghhh i've been longing for it