---Saturday 's Blog---
Im blogging for yesterday's blog. We went out for a car ride . Unfortunately i couldn't get to visit Rentap's Kubu because my uncle said it is behind a river at Sarikei . We ate 5 times a day , first was breakfast , then SCR [ Singapore Chicken Rice ] then another3 meals , including dinner la . After that we still feel hungry so my grandma made us supper . So cancel the 5 times and make it SIX . Let me share with you something . My uncle ordered a cup of soya bean , the cup wasn't a CUP . In fact it was a JAR ...with a handle on it . Looks like a bottle to me . I took some pictures... p/s..i ALWAYS DO . After that we went to Parkson to buy my uniform blouse for next year . There were blouses over there and it looks really stunning.. my eyes were like $$$$ . I went and tell my grandma the blouses were nice . So she ask me if i want one . I was like nodding my head . So i went home with a beautiful stunning blouse . it cost $$$$$ ! For me la .
a building which used to be a power station but turned to be a hawker stall . (the ABC there is nicccccccccce )

## Today's Blog ##
We went Church at the evening . We were LATE again . Screw that , WE were ALWAYS late . My grandma said that its ok , at least GOD knows we have the heart to come to church . ;D
I was praying and i felt something fishy , i opened my eyes and i saw a lil girl in front of me and she wast praying like other people are praying at that time . She kept on looking at me from head to chest . 0.0 I looked at her , she looked at me ..then her mother ask her to keep quiet and sit down and pray . Hahahaa ... after church we went to order satay , chicken wing , burger and nasi lemak . It was delicious ..after that me and my brother went to watch Transformers . It was Fantabotic . And i watched Rush Hour 3 too...it was soo RUSHY ..(if there is such a word)
Till then...
<> Sing along with Peige <> Lalalal...lala.................la...la !!!!!.....dudu.....dudududud..............dudu !!!
p/s : Peige is hyper !
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