i was blogging the post about my brother's imitation of Bruce Lee,and then suddenly i saw something black with long legs crawling like a F1 car towards my chair . it was a FREaKKinng spider (no furs) I panic and i stand on the chair calling my grandma to help me . LOL . I believe the spider is still alive because it ran near the sofa. 0.0
The next one is when i found another HUGE spider in the toilet . This time with furs(like the movie-8 freaked leg) I quickly splash a pail of water on it . IT DROWN ! YAY !
This time it was LUCK ! My grandma ask me to drink water . So there is a Tupperware there and i opened the cover to pour my drink and then i saw another SPIDER with FUR,about the same size in the toilet.Im like , " ama , got another spider inside the water..." then my uncle asked me to pour it out into the sink . ITS LIKE IM JINX ! SOMEONE CAST A VOODOO SPELL on me . Sort of .
I freak out because its not like i face with spiders everyday . I deal with ants and cockroaches , not SPIDERS .
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