Oh my
Shuper Gurl
So addicted to SJM's Super Girl song right now :D ,but its weird that they pronounce super as shupper .. ?
But its really cute and Kyu ~~~ gosh he looks HAWT there hehehe.I bet if I watch the MV together with Li Lian,we'll probably bring the whole house down.*sings* Oh my super girl ni xi wo de baby girl~~~
Oh , I want to take this opportunity to wish all my Muslims friends out there a Happy Raya,enjoy and have a safe trip to wherever you go.
Next week there will be no tuition classes.Sheesh,how i wish they have or else there will be no one to push me to study.I polished my nails this time.Transparent colour of course so that it'll be easier to remove it on Sunday night before school re-opens :D
I miss Ms.Grace and the other trainee teachers who does not teach my class. HAHAAH Ai Peng knows who I'm talking about.Ms.Grace's cupcakes are scrumptious ,teacher can you bake more please because I don't mind eating thousands of your wonderful cupcakes!
Urgghh i really really cant wait to hangout with my friends and go sing like a mad women at Karaokes.I need my leisure time too but it seems like tons of homework's are filling my leisure time.Great,exams are near.
My personal problems are not quite okay yet.
It seems like I have to find another transport because the current old man driver says he's too lazy to wake up and send me to school.
What the heck right?
My mum pays him money and he says he's too lazy to wake up?I'm trying my best to search for transportation service but nope.Nothing.None.
I prayed like every single time when I'm doing nothing,
to God,praying sincerely about my problems and asked if there is a way.I'm sure there's a way right,it's just that I cant see or feel it.
God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me
He will be my guide
Hold me closely to His side
With love and strength for each new day
He will make a way...
He will make a way
-Don Moen-
Someone promised me braces since I was standard 5,and guess what.It's been 5 years and Im still not wearing it.

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