--Jacq b.day celebration--
Yesterday me and Shaun went to Jacq's house to celebrate her birthday .
Aunt Lyn came around 5.30 to pick us up .
After that we went to pick up the cake/jelly cake from the shop
. Then head to Jacq's house .
Then we eat dinner .
Just me , Shaun and Jacq.
The food was nice , aunt Lyn .
Jacq . Once again please thank your mum for that :P
Shaun was extremely naughty yesterday . As usual , if my parents were not there.. he would not listen to anyone . Including me .
Sheesh . It was so embarrassing much . Somemore there's guest in the house. Aiya .
Even as we say a quick prayer before eating .
Everyone was bowing down their heads and praying along ,but Shaun ler .. playing at the staircase there .
" I really feel like slapping you SHAUN "
There was a special guest . Sort of
It was Augustine . He came down from London . Since he got two weeks of hols .
When Jacq told me the first time that a special guest will attend her birthday party.
I was like
" is it a clown ? "
" huh no la. i hate clowns "
"oh.ok.then er the mcdonald guy.with the big shoes ? "
" hahah.nope "
She got me clueless .
We took a LOADS of pictures tehehee

I had to call my mum to ask her to scold him through the phone. But God-knows-what my mum was talking to Shaun that made him laugh and made him jump from sofa to sofa

the Birthday present

dude. not yet Boxing Day XD

me and Jacq


trio : Jacq,me and Shaun
Nice right
after dinner .

the background colour right,very funny la. the living room was really bright.
After the big adults finish their dinner .
It's time for the cake and singing + wishes .
Jelly Cake.
Wow.thats all i could say.

hhahaa. why u standing so far one ?
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