Hari K-usahawanan
the moment has arrived...
SMK (p) Sri Aman had their Hari Koperasi or shall i call it Hari K last Saturday which is the 28th June . Familiar with the date ?..yeap it someones birthday . It was Thoo Ai peng a.k.a Cinaapek .. :D
I called her before 12 and yea too my surprise..she was still awake..
for dont know what reason la..
Then Saturday morning..received an SMS from Yuet Ting-telling to wake up and dont forget to bring the things that suppose to bring for stall and stuffs..i woke up too early because of that..
Hari K was..erm ok la..
not much though
there were students from other school and also parents
Well..someone is suppose to come but end up not coming..
After the tiring day of Hari K..went home to get a lonnng nap.
Snap some pictures..will show it .
And yes..today is the Voting Day of Sri Aman's Head Prefect Girl 2008/09 .
And everyone gets to vote...like of course la right .
Everyone was like .. '' who are you voting ? ''
Okie people..will end my post here.. need to sleep :)
this is the picture of the fries being fried
the fries with gravy was selling well

this is other class stall..they had games..
and games..
and of course this is not games but was bored during duty so i took picture..
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