2 more days to getting my hair (blank - you guess)and 3 more days to my flight to Kl . xD My grandma likes planting guava and custard apple . Which is me and my brother's favourite . We went out to have lunch at near Waterfront , Kuching . There is a small stall which is known for its 'tomato kueh teow' . I ordered one. And it was . .... .. .... . .... deLicIous ! ;D And not to forget , ConGRatULatiONs to The Republic of China for becoming Miss World 2007 ! :D Oh yeah . My uncle bought back a book from his office about the sketches of Sarawak . And there is a sketching the Astana and Fort Margherita [That's how they spell it]

The Astana : Where The three generations of James Brooke lives .

Fort Margherita : from a bird eye's view .
=== Smileee ;D ===
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