Today had Taekwando party at 1U -U Bowl . Of course we don't wear our Taekwando uni to play bowling . lol .Its free bowling and free lunch . I dint come for the free thing .I come to have fun since there is no takewando classes till next year. I reached there and i saw Husnul and Ilham . Basically i was the only Chinese student there . Not including Pn.Su . :D Then we started to bowl . The first game i always bowl into the 'longkang' i was telling Aleeza ' eh not fair ask the person to tutup longkakg la ! ' yeapz ! You can close the longkang area if you want , but it'll be not fun . Without closing it will be more challenging . ^_^
After the first game we switched teams. I was in Ilham's team . And YES the 2nd game was not bad because i get the hold of it holding the bowling bowl . NO ... its not my first time ! Its just that its been so long since i touched the bowling bowl . :) I accidentally injured my thumb . The skin nail came of. I was holding the size 9 bowl and was ready to bowl and its was oily inside the holes there and it slipped of my fingers and dropped onto the floor . hahahaha . you BET i suck in holding it !
Me , Tanesha ,Nik and Husnul were taking lots of pictures while waiting for our turn. I got a STRIKE ! :D Ilham striked al oooooot ! Then we all went to Shakeys Pizza for lunch . Some of them wanted to watch the movie apartment 13 but i have to go home early . But they did watch la.They bought the tickets already .
here are some pictures ! enjoyyy
U -Bowl !
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