Today had Sejarah DRAMA COMPETITION . !! We are the second last to perform.Which is good and bad because the judges might get boring by then.And we can have more time to practice. Well it was our time after everyone in 2Amanah were like rushing for the props and some scenes. When it was our time ,some people were REALLY NERVOUS. INCLUDING ME.Tough i got a few lines and some actions to do only. It was OK and really good.BUT then SHE just have to ruined it la. Bossing people around.I dont blame you Shireen. Its not your fault that you hesitated to angkat the curtain stuff. After the last scene where JUJU suppose to cry for RENTAP(yeap our tokoh is RENTAP-he died cuz sickness)(IBAN),we have to do our ending scene. YEAP.But we heard the bell rang(it means pass 20 min-maximum time)then we shout 'HIDUP RENTAP' After finish.cik Tan told us that we ended ngam ngam. (sharp 20 minutes) WE did really great .HOPEFULLY WE WILL WIN la.
I just knew that i had a Korean/Japanese blood inside me.There was and old popo(old lady)who came to my stall and said that i look like a KOREAN girl.I'm like.'no no no..i live in Malaysia Chinese blood. I was like a bit nervous when talking.(mostly talking crab anyway)Then the popo went away,then my mum said its true because her great great grandpa married to a Japanese/Korean which is our great great great grandma. CRAZY inst it? If poeple said i look like an IBAN then OK la Because my mum's dad is a iban mix Chinese.I dint know how but,its just is.
DAmn you girl damn ruined it.Its not your fault Shireen.WE dont blame you.we blame HER !!!!!
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