hehehhe....went to help with my mum's stall at Amcorp Mall every Sunday.And guess who i saw ? ? ? ? ? aunt Layong.From my church.My parents and her family were so close with aunt Betsy and uncle Julius.And I've made friends with her three daughters( Anthea,Cythia and Alethia) including Sarah Wong.Well we lost touch after the incident.And i were no longer talking to their children Anthea had grew really matured and tall.The last time i saw here was she was shorter than me and a lil shy.I used to see her in church with her sisters.But i don't dare to talk to them.It's like i don't deserve to talk to them.It's their choice if they don't wanna talk to me.
And GUESS who did i saw AGAIN......... .........
Li Lian.Yeap

she went to get her hair cut..and she told me that she know this hot,lala,cute,L looking guy that cut her hair.Which probably means she likes that guy.She asked my mum's permission if she could take me along with her to McD.My mum were like....yea yea sure.
Off we go.Then she showed me the guy in Chezz Thecnique.Actually that guy was Ok...and yea he looked like L in DEATH NOTE. Like his hair tough.
Then we took pictures and use the shoot mode(panorama,burst)

heart her loooootz!
thats all peeps! till next time.
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