Friday, August 31
Tuesday, August 28
[wait a minute] rings....[vibrates]
Me : helllllo.......(sleepy)
Ms Tan : Helo peige ar.Ar you have to come down at 8.30 ar.Cuz Sarah also want to go school early.
Me : (feeling pissed)oh..yea yea k.k. Bye.
You know what.I was sooooo FreaKIng pissed off.She told me that i have to go school today at 9.15 am. And i have to rush because she called at 7.50 like that.And i need 1 hour to do and get ready all my stuff.
After reaching school,2A was practicing SEJARAH drama. The competition is next week.Yeapz.
Thrishi bought a soya bean bottle to drink.
Peige : Hey,soya bean...its good for constipation!
Dhama & Ain laughs.
Ain : Yea.It makes your boobs grow bigger![giggles]
Peige & Dhama : [burst out laughing]
We 2A are doing English Oral for our final exam.
am in dhama's group.Will be Christine Daae.
You know what.I'm not sure what's wrong with me but.I wasn't an innocent girl today.I keep saying these words.
: freaking
:what the.....!
Maybe they influenced me.I almost loos my voice after the ?history drama practice.We have to talk loud because we're not using microphones. AllLl the best 2A!
Me : helllllo.......(sleepy)
Ms Tan : Helo peige ar.Ar you have to come down at 8.30 ar.Cuz Sarah also want to go school early.
Me : (feeling pissed)oh..yea yea k.k. Bye.
You know what.I was sooooo FreaKIng pissed off.She told me that i have to go school today at 9.15 am. And i have to rush because she called at 7.50 like that.And i need 1 hour to do and get ready all my stuff.
After reaching school,2A was practicing SEJARAH drama. The competition is next week.Yeapz.
Thrishi bought a soya bean bottle to drink.
Peige : Hey,soya bean...its good for constipation!
Dhama & Ain laughs.
Ain : Yea.It makes your boobs grow bigger![giggles]
Peige & Dhama : [burst out laughing]
We 2A are doing English Oral for our final exam.
am in dhama's group.Will be Christine Daae.
You know what.I'm not sure what's wrong with me but.I wasn't an innocent girl today.I keep saying these words.
: freaking
:what the.....!
Maybe they influenced me.I almost loos my voice after the ?history drama practice.We have to talk loud because we're not using microphones. AllLl the best 2A!
Monday, August 27
hehehhe....went to help with my mum's stall at Amcorp Mall every Sunday.And guess who i saw ? ? ? ? ? aunt Layong.From my church.My parents and her family were so close with aunt Betsy and uncle Julius.And I've made friends with her three daughters( Anthea,Cythia and Alethia) including Sarah Wong.Well we lost touch after the incident.And i were no longer talking to their children Anthea had grew really matured and tall.The last time i saw here was she was shorter than me and a lil shy.I used to see her in church with her sisters.But i don't dare to talk to them.It's like i don't deserve to talk to them.It's their choice if they don't wanna talk to me.
And GUESS who did i saw AGAIN......... .........
Li Lian.Yeap

she went to get her hair cut..and she told me that she know this hot,lala,cute,L looking guy that cut her hair.Which probably means she likes that guy.She asked my mum's permission if she could take me along with her to McD.My mum were like....yea yea sure.
Off we go.Then she showed me the guy in Chezz Thecnique.Actually that guy was Ok...and yea he looked like L in DEATH NOTE. Like his hair tough.
Then we took pictures and use the shoot mode(panorama,burst)

heart her loooootz!
thats all peeps! till next time.
Saturday, August 25
ss2Sea Park cell was doing a cupcake baking activity.It was for fun.DAph picked me and Shiwen...then we have to pick up Michelle some more.
Michelle decorated with icing...nice right? its sheeps going towards the fence.
phone rings.(daph's)-in the car
DAph: Michelle why are you calling me?
Michelle : (dont remember what she said)
Peige - was laughing quietly.
When we reach there.Sue Vern and Shyn Li wasn't there yet,and suddenly Sue Vern called Daph and said we need to go to the savemart to go buy the cupcakes stuff.Part of it.I brought money so yea...have to pay for them.But i wasn't planning for a payback.
So we had to walk all the way to ss2 there and to the SAVEMART.Bought some drinks and potato chips.Including the cupcakes.RM 10.
After Sue Vern arrived we start baking the cupcakes.YOu know put the flower,the sugar,the eggs and some ingredients.Some cakes were flattened after we took it out from the oven..Than we started to do the icing.
Friday, August 24
Lalalal.... pity Poh Lian la...she always forgot my link for blog.Ehy Poh Lian if you want my link you can also access to Li Lian's blog then go in through my link lor.rites?!
Damn u BEE...trying to kill my FISH la...!Hmpph!
Lets see what i did this weekend Holidays.
~do GEO project.
~MATHS project haven't do yet because the teacher give last minute and it was on the week before holidays(thurs-fri)and she wants us to hand it it no Monday after the hols.! ARGHH!
~hardly even touch my books.
~every Sunday go Amcorp Mall.Having my Peige's Corner beside my mum's stall.
~er...playing PS1 and PS2 and watching TV.
~help do my mum's blog
~help with the stall stuff
~scolding Shaun
That's how i spend my holidays. :(

Oh yes..!! YES!! YES!!!!! dad fixed the TV in my room and he fixed the PS1 there for me and my lil bro to play.! hahahahahahahha...can watch movie there men!! yea!!!!!!
Damn u BEE...trying to kill my FISH la...!Hmpph!
Lets see what i did this weekend Holidays.
~do GEO project.
~MATHS project haven't do yet because the teacher give last minute and it was on the week before holidays(thurs-fri)and she wants us to hand it it no Monday after the hols.! ARGHH!
~hardly even touch my books.
~every Sunday go Amcorp Mall.Having my Peige's Corner beside my mum's stall.
~er...playing PS1 and PS2 and watching TV.
~help do my mum's blog
~help with the stall stuff
~scolding Shaun
That's how i spend my holidays. :(
Oh yes..!! YES!! YES!!!!! dad fixed the TV in my room and he fixed the PS1 there for me and my lil bro to play.! hahahahahahahha...can watch movie there men!! yea!!!!!!
Thursday, August 23
No......MY of my 9 fishes died.I don't know what happened but when i took the net to bring up the dead fish from the aquarium,i saw a small bee floating around the fishes.And i got a few theories on how the fish died.
First one:
~Bee stings the fish.
~Bee was flirting with the fish and that sharp thing on his butt accidentally poked through his heart(theory from the Crocodile Hunter case)
~Bee accidentally went into the water and died.And the fish was too silly to swim into the sting and hurt himself.
that's all i can think .And i flushed the fish and the bee down the toilet ,and i was saying this' fish fish..TOO BAD...pshhhhhhh' as i pressed the button to flush it down. XD
SS2Cell will be having this fun activity for our cell by baking some cupcakes.Can't wait tough.First time baking a cupcake. :) :) :)
Too bad for me won't be attending cell tomorrow.My mum la.Said it is too dangerous especially this month to go out late.She and her superstitious.Im like'mum c'mon la we're Christians la' and she's like.'No la not this month la..pls la!'... :(...Have to cancel cell again.
Nitez peepzz! ^pEigE^
First one:
~Bee stings the fish.
~Bee was flirting with the fish and that sharp thing on his butt accidentally poked through his heart(theory from the Crocodile Hunter case)
~Bee accidentally went into the water and died.And the fish was too silly to swim into the sting and hurt himself.
that's all i can think .And i flushed the fish and the bee down the toilet ,and i was saying this' fish fish..TOO BAD...pshhhhhhh' as i pressed the button to flush it down. XD
SS2Cell will be having this fun activity for our cell by baking some cupcakes.Can't wait tough.First time baking a cupcake. :) :) :)
Too bad for me won't be attending cell tomorrow.My mum la.Said it is too dangerous especially this month to go out late.She and her superstitious.Im like'mum c'mon la we're Christians la' and she's like.'No la not this month la..pls la!'... :(...Have to cancel cell again.
Nitez peepzz! ^pEigE^
Tuesday, August 21
Monday, August 20
Cup caaakes!
Cup Cakes?....YUMMY.....
ate some today
chocolate cup cakes make u fall in love with it. :D

the end for the cup cake. :(
uh.......... MINI im feeling the 'ICE-Cream' mood. yuuuuuuuuuuuumy!
ate some today
chocolate cup cakes make u fall in love with it. :D
the end for the cup cake. :(
my lil bro trying to feed the cup cake into his mouth. what a silly sheep.
Candid's !
Sunday, August 19
Business day...
After the tiring day of the fitness,my bro's friend decided to stay overnight in our house.The usually do this every holiday. Yeapz.And my mom went and tapao some burger king.
I have to follow my parents to Amcorp Mall to help them with their business.As a young entrepreneur.
...i wasn't angry..i was just waiting for my mum. x:D
Then after my mum registered the forms and all...we went to the second floor where our lot set-up our lot.We sell handy crafts.WE actually expected one buyer because we are a first timer there.But we got more than 5 buyers.So was more than i could ever ask for.Our neighbour were nice and kind.They were chit-chatting with something with us.I really enjoy the experienced i got from doing this. :D.
Friday, August 17
Fitness day usual...i started my morning by drinking Milo.
Today in school we had this demo about Life Fitness Programme. It is divided to 3 different classes : combat fit, dance fit, and yoga fit. The demo was good and fun. Everyone was dancing and having fun.
I finished reading the novel 'So Inn Love' after that I'm gotta borrow it to Natashyia.Its a great comedy romantic book.Yay...its HOLIDAY...well not for me.
Gotta do my GEO project,
Maths project...
and have to interview ppl somemore.siiiiiiiiiigh.
We had this ceramah for puberty thingie.And one of the slides,there was a picture of a girl posing..and it looks like JEN YEEN.SERIOUSLY !..i was that JEN YEEN?...and then the lady who was holding the microphone saying..its her..its her' LOL
JEN that you ar?
Tuesday, August 14
Hey long never write .Too lazy to write. XDAnyway......all the froms 2 had a chance to wacth the Phantom of the Opera yesterday at the hall.All of us were so excited and happy.Cuz some people din't get a chance to wathc the movie.I got the DVD and i was like telling Poh Lian what happened at the end.It kinda spoils the fun but she wants to know what happen.After the show, most poeple said that Eric was hotter than Raoul.I like Christine...she is really preety and her voive is really goood.As an opera singer.I hate La Carlotta.It's funny when she sings and then the funny sounds comes out.It makes me burst out laughing. LOL.
I gotta spend some time with Li Lian,Novia and Win Yean.Miss them soooooo much.Today we had computer club.And it was AGM.(anual grand meeting)And Pn.Faridah belanja us all some KFC.At the meeting after choosing the president and all.>president(Navina)
Me, Li Lian and Mun Yee were laughing and giggling here and there while eating some KFC.I call the chips cha-cha.Don't know why tough.
That's all yo! :)
Thursday, August 9
3 days of not going to school....what happened?toothache,fever,body ache...n headaches...!My toothache went normal to worst.Actually is wasn't even normal.On the second day which is Wednesday...i really couldn't stand the pain and the throbbing of the toothache.The pain would just never stop...even for a minute.And i was like,"what am i gonna do for the next few hours?Crying ?slapping my teeth?"i wonder.The pain makes you feel like digging out the teeth.I didn't even get a good sleep because of it. It keeps throbbing every time.
I then suggested my parents to bring me to the dentist.At first my mum disagrees because she is afraid the doctor might pull out the toothache teeth and the good ones.and she trying to tell me that i might not know there is a cure for it.But then my parents agreed because there were worry for my gums and teeth.So my mum went to check which dentist clinic is open.Unfortunately some of it was close.But thank GOD there is one in PJ state(Lim Dental Care)is still open and closes at 8 pm.So me and dad quickly rushed there. . :D ...after reaching,there was a patient in the room 1.There were funny and scary sounds like drilling and vacuum terrifies me!After going in.the doctor said i have to go orientation for my teeth and have to put some braces before it's too late.In my mind i was like...y don't you go and tell my mum.Because my mum said that my body is too weak to put braces.
After the injection(more then 3 times-it hurts!)the pulling,its finally over and the toothache pain is gone..but my whole mouth was like numb...couldn't feel anything.And i thanked GOD for this.
And now i barely can talk with my mouth widely open.I am talking but you can't see my lips moving at all.And when i say HALLELUJAH,i can feel my tongue is moving but my lip
s are like paralyze.
Thats all for today!
XOXO ^pEigE^
I then suggested my parents to bring me to the dentist.At first my mum disagrees because she is afraid the doctor might pull out the toothache teeth and the good ones.and she trying to tell me that i might not know there is a cure for it.But then my parents agreed because there were worry for my gums and teeth.So my mum went to check which dentist clinic is open.Unfortunately some of it was close.But thank GOD there is one in PJ state(Lim Dental Care)is still open and closes at 8 pm.So me and dad quickly rushed there. . :D ...after reaching,there was a patient in the room 1.There were funny and scary sounds like drilling and vacuum terrifies me!After going in.the doctor said i have to go orientation for my teeth and have to put some braces before it's too late.In my mind i was like...y don't you go and tell my mum.Because my mum said that my body is too weak to put braces.
After the injection(more then 3 times-it hurts!)the pulling,its finally over and the toothache pain is gone..but my whole mouth was like numb...couldn't feel anything.And i thanked GOD for this.
And now i barely can talk with my mouth widely open.I am talking but you can't see my lips moving at all.And when i say HALLELUJAH,i can feel my tongue is moving but my lip
s are like paralyze.
Thats all for today!
XOXO ^pEigE^
Saturday, August 4
O yea ! Exammmmmm is ooooooVER ! I am sooo happy la....Everyone does. LOL
Today was GEO,KH and SENI. I got nothing much to write all readers who are having exam next week...all the bless and may god bless ya ! :)
siggh....i miss my besties la ....... !( li yean.)
I was so booored that i drew this design of mine.... :)
the skirt is a little bit senget.....
nitez peepsz !
Wednesday, August 1 was the first day of exam !!....^_^.scary and nervous.....the maths was HARD.... i just don't know what to say.....the History was ..OK but very tricky questions for all the answers are like the same meaning...I may be not writing my post till exam finish...Ohhhh i can't wait for the holidays baby !....i was like thinking about my Ps2 game when i do my exam. LOL
Anyway.....gtg studyyyyy ! chiowz !
(THIS IS THE shortest post for now in my blog.)
Anyway.....gtg studyyyyy ! chiowz !
(THIS IS THE shortest post for now in my blog.)
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