Yo yo yo yo ! (no ... i dont like playing yoyo)
hahaa ok screw the laksa party thing because li lian planned to have a shopping sleepover . Yea . So first Li Lian went to pick me up and then we went to OU together with Poh Lian . Yea then after that we went to Comic Paradise to buy Li lian's present ... ( i pay) =) and then i shopped for my shoes that i want . After shoppingshopping , we met with her mum . And we drove to the Curve . (btw we saw Kimberly X and she was everywhere we go)And we ate at Marche (Mar-shay)there Li Lians cousin will be performing . And we spotted some hotties there ...actually a few . But i dont buy it because i think J's more adorable =) .
Did i mention that we all drank wine . First a waiter promote us red wine then we were like nodding yes and no so he give lor . Then Poh Lian dont dare to drink so i share with her . And LATER another WAITER serve us another WHITE WINE ( i know whisky and beer are more better) So i totally end up drinking red and white wine . Then Li Lian and Poh Lian couldn't finish their wine AND i end up drinking part of theirs too . and i BET i dint get drunk !
Then Li Lian's aunt told us that at 8.30 pm will be snowing at The Streets , Curve. Then we were so excited . We spotted some ppl getting ready for the snow machine . Then we heard the countdown " 5...4....3...2...1.. !!! '' and yes snow came down . WE were shouting like crazy ppl and the snow was cold and was everywhere ! I would say it was an AMAZING*AMAZING*AMAZING* moment . We went back with a big smile on our faces .
Hold on , i still got more exciting stories to tell...
we stayed up late just to use the computer...but too bad the plan dint work . After her mom went to sleep we waited for her so be in deep sleep . So we took our blankets and make like a roof and played Black Jack with a torchlight . It was nice and funny at the same time . After 10 minutes we went out to go to the computer room but it was LOCKED !!!! and we taught of using some hair pins would work . But it dint . So we end up finding food in the kitchen like a RAT .
Theeen , okok this is the most interesting part .
The kitchen alarm rang and i sort of panic . Then Li Lian said there was someone in her kitchen . We went into the room , locked the door and planned about how are we gonna attack the robbery if he bust into the room . Hahahaa....then i brought out my pepper spray . I kinda herd suspicious noises . The alarm rang thrice . We couldnt sleep at that moment so we polished our nails . Haahaa.... girls are girls . Poh Lian painted blue and i painted gold .
Actually we planned earlier to wake up at 7.30 to go jogging and eat roti canai . But we woke up at 12 PM . =)
Li Lian's mum sent us to Amcorp Mall for lunch . Then later we shopshopshop in Amcorp . Tehn her mum sent me home . I came back with 4 big plastic bags. Hahahaa....most is Christmas present...

white wine anyone ?

Lian in her room

the pressing servie in Sri Melaka's ( poh lian's finger)