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Sunday, October 10

Triple Ten

Hey guys ,

yeap it 10pm on 10 October 2010. Pffft hahaha i know , i'm being so lame these days  : )
Today Sunday was a hectic day . Preparing and organizing a birthday party for Shaun is sure tiring but its a great experience overall . I mean enjoying time with his friends in standard 1 and also other adults there (parents) 

I thought i was good with interacting with kids, but oh boy I was wrong ahahaha. It was during the Blanket Game we were playing , which i think they did not get what i was trying to say about the game instructions , but oh wells , everyone sure did have fun playing it. 

I organized a few more games for the kids like the Donkey Game , Whispering Game and yeah Lucky Draw.
The venue where we held the party was hahaha noisy with Shaun's screaming .
Tsk tsk tsk , never knew Shaun was like that 

Anyways , 


S H A U N     D A R R E N

10. 10. 10

: )

Friday, October 8


Kyaaa, my heart is melting ahahahaa  
SHINee's new song Hello is sooo adorable  : )
Its just so calm with the piano intro and catchy 

ahh, my stomach is borborygmi 
Food , where are you

right,this Sunday is Shaun's Birthday

: )

Thursday, October 7

Whats that smell ?

Yay,trials are over : )
sigh, i smell freedom hehehehehee

tomorrow's Friday eh ? i dont think anyone's coming to school tho, since trials are finish.

I'll be busy with Shaun's stuff this Sunday and would be very busy on the other weeks too on family matters.

I CANNOT WAIT to play Highstreet 5 and SIMS 3 @.@
i'm a game addict.Yes i am , because games are super cool

Anyways, JYJ is coming to Malaysia this 17th October

: )

what a pity i cant go : (
i've always wanted to see them perform here in Malaysia

and and did you know there's another Korean channel in Astro called S One TV or something.
KYAAAAA ~~~~ hahaha more Kpop entertainment. Cool cool cool
Eyy,I'll be signing off soon.
it's been so long since i touched my DSLR,so 

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