- mid term is driving me insane ! ..results were bad..really bad
maths was the worst .. am not telling you how much i got..
em...and then everyone was like really sad for their marks..to person passed their paper. and im telling you the paper was freaking hard especially paper 2 ! Hmmph ! oh well , its just mid term and we still have tons of things to learn..
even one of my friend told me she might not be coming back alive tomorrow because her mum will scold her for her results ...haha
i havent really tell my parents my results BUT i'll tell them when they are in a good mood...or else my mum is gonna fry me like a BBQ chicken and she'll add sauce and ketchup into it...and salt to..
Today SA celebrated teacher's day...
the theme was
* Catalyst of our dreams *
there were really cool performances....most are singing.. and some dance
they had a teacher dance performance danced by 11-12 teachers..
and they were COMEL giler... they look so happy and hahahahh its just like once in a year we get to see them dance.
oyeh ! holidays started...for me la..
my brothers friends are coming to overnight during the holidays..
hmph..i bet the electric bill is gonna be very high .. hahaha
the boys will be playing Cabal , PS2 and computer...what else ? erm TV ...phew xD

Pei G bids hasta vista my homie ! xD
why ?
because the sky is so high
because you married a butterfly
because your grandfather told a lie in 1945